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Design / Build Projects
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Design / Build Projects

Design-build is a method of project delivery in which one entity - the design-build team - works under a single contract with the project owner to provide design and construction services. One entity, one contract, one unified flow of work from initial concept through completion.

Advantages of Design-Build

  • Builds Teamwork
  • Single Point of Responsibility
  • Open/Transparent Communication
  • Eliminates Adversarial Conditions
  • Not Restricted to Building Types
  • Faster Project Delivery

Design-build is more cost-efficient than traditional project delivery in many situations. ... Design-build is often associated with private sector projects. However, it is not limited to them.

In addition to your time savings, we've found that clients save anywhere from 6%-10% on projects when using a design-build process instead of traditional construction. Again, fewer conflicts between different players means less wasted resources.

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